Sunday, June 13, 2010

Breaking Bad - Full Measure, 3.13

Breaking Bad is absolutely MASTERFUL. I try to avoid live-blogging it because then I use altogether too many exclamation points and capital letters, but I'm halfway through the episode right now and way too excited to do this any other way:
  • How amazing is Vince Gilligan? Seriously. Tonight's season three finale written and directed by him.
  • First -- talk about gorgeous -- the four men dressed all in black, Walt with his Heisenberg hat, against a golden field and orange sky and glaring late sunlight. Incredibly striking image.
  • Small quaint scene with Mike and his granddaughter. Helium balloons. Spectacular scene following it, with the Chinese businessman edging his raised arms higher to direct Mike's silenced gun higher against the wall, until it's aimed right at the man's head. "She'll need her shoe," and he returns, whining, to retrieve his secretary's footwear. Incredibly funny.
  • Gale watering his plants and singing (is he going to die? Are we going to see him be domestic and then get shot?), opens the door to find Gus on the other side. Great, funny conversation, that confirms what we thought about Gus' deviousness all along.
  • Right now I'm on edge, not wanting anyone to die. Don't kill Saul please! "I'm going to leave the room and make myself a Nescafe." - Saul Goodman, stay safe please.
  • Any scene with Saul is incredible. Loving the lasers backlighting this visually dark scene.
  • "I saved your life, Jesse. Are you going to save mine?" - Walter. I cannot stress enough how fantastic these two actors are. Their scenes together are always stunning.
  • Shit getting real. I don't like where this is going. But I can't stop watching.
  • At first we're apalled that Walt betrays Jesse. Then we cheer when he tells Jesse to kill Gale? The audience becomes the mindset of a/the villain.
  • AND THEN, Jesse turns the gun on Gale, and the camera turns so the viewer is Gale, and then the gun goes off, Jesse shoots us, the audience.
  • I've held off on caps this whole time, so I'm indulging myself here: FUCKING INSANE BEST SHOW ON TV CRAZY SHIT PERFECT!!!!!!! Sometimes I don't even know how TV could be this good.

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