Thanks for being the most amazing show ever.
- "You're like the Picasso of creepiness." - Lester
- Jeff recording in his log Shaw's possible "sexual encounter."
- Awesome living in a bubble -- reference to 30 Rock's Drew?
- I will always love the original Team Bartowski, but this mission of Team Save Chuck's Love Life (as I am naming it) was AWESOME. Casey + Morgan + Awesome is the funnest combo ever. I smiled so much during their "mission." I'm really liking Casey as a civilian, and it was such a good idea to have both Morgan and Awesome know about Chuck, because they're the perfect addend duo to this mission. I hope there are more!
- Adding Ellie to Team SCLL. She's the cutest.
- Wasn't it proven really easy to unlock all the doors of Castle by just pressing a few buttons inside an individual cell? Ha. Sarah. But apparently you can control the lighting system of the Buy More from inside Castle too. So it works out either way.
- LOVE it when BuyMorians inadvertently (but perfectly, story-wise) get caught up in spy business. Delightful! Go Jeffster.
- There is no reason for Shaw to have a car like that. But of course he does. Of course he does.
- OH HEY Romo Lampkin/Badger/Cecil Lively. Thank you for appearing in so many of my favorite shows!
- Wow, Schwartz & co. really channelled M. Night with that twist! Very nice.
- Watching terrific episodes like this, I almost feel guilty about voting for Better Off Ted in E's Save One Show poll.
- Alex Patsavas' awesomeness strikes again with this stupendous song choice over Chuck's "I love you" speech + kiss.
- Sometimes this show is just perfect. And this episode is one of those times.
- Adam Baldwin has never looked better, by the way.
- Oh, NSA. You and your incompetence makes me laugh.
- After watching the promo for next week's ep and Alan Sepinwall tweeting that it's the best of this season, I'm pumped!