The Eleventh Hour, 5.01
- Amelia Pond. In a way she is meant to be seen separate from Amy; is possibly the most important character in this series; the Doctor's and her timeline are intertwined, the Doctor has influenced every bit of her life, she is completely obsessed with him.
- The crack in Amelia's bedroom wall. Opens to the Atraxi prison from which Prisoner Zero has escaped, this means travel from one side to the other is possible? "The cracks in the skin of the universe, don't you know where they came from? You don't, do you?" - Prisoner Zero to the Doctor; the Doctor clearly plays some sort of part, but he is unaware of it
- "The universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open. Silence will fall." - Prisoner Zero; the crack is already notably important; the Pandorica opens in the aptly titled twelfth episode; "silence will fall" is the mystery, repeated in this episode
- The shadowy human-like figure in Amelia's house, unexplained in this episode.
- Series theme: fairy tales.
The Beast Below, 5.02
- Series theme: children. Amelia Pond; the Doctor and the star whale's affection for children; their innocence and openness
- "A horse and a man, above, below,
One has a plan, but both must go,
Mile after mile, above, beneath,
One has a smile, and one has teeth.
Though the man above might say 'Hello,'
Expect no love from the Beast Below!
In bed above we're deep asleep,
While greater love lies further deep,
This dream must end, this world must know:
We all depend on the beast below." -- Could this rhyme be a metaphor for more than the episode? The series, perhaps? - The crack is on Spaceship UK.
Victory of the Daleks, 5.03
- Amy doesn't remember Earth's Dalek invasion.
- The crack makes its appearance on the wall behind the TARDIS.
The Time of Angels, 5.04
- The ubiquitous, wonderful, River Song.
Flesh and Stone, 5.05
- The Doctor w/ jacket is INTENTIONAL. There's no way that should be attributed to lazy direction/editing/costuming. The Doctor leaves, but returns with a close-up shot of his hands covering Amy's, as if introducing a new character onto the scene, and then up to his face. His tone (and yeah, jacket) is completely different, more serious with a bit of anguish, which totally fits his mysterious message:
"But you don't always tell me the truth."
"If I always told you the truth I wouldn't need you to trust me."
"Doctor, the crack in my wall, how could it be here?"
"I don't know yet, but I'm working it out. Now, listen. Remember what I told you when you were seven?"
"What did you tell me?"
"No... no, that's not the point. You have to remember."
"Remember what? Doctor? Doctor?"
Amy's faulty memory is clearly creating some problems on a universal scale. But why her?
- The Doctor rambles about how Amy didn't remember the Daleks and questions why she knew the duck pond was a duck pond if there weren't any ducks, then asks, What if time could be rewritten? Then, he realizes (I hypothesize), that he can rewrite history.
- "The Pandorica... that's a fairy tale." "Aren't we all?"
- "What are you thinking?" "Time can be rewritten."
Vampires of Venice, 5.06
- The Doctor and Rory hear silence as they step into the TARDIS.
Amy's Choice, 5.07
- "We have to grow up eventually." "Says who?"
- Dreams/false realities.
- "You save everyone." "Not always." "Then what is the point of you?"
- The Dream Lord. The Doctor sees the Dream Lord as his reflection in the TARDIS console a few seconds before the episode ends; this is likely not anything with real repercussions (like the psychic pollen is still there), but a self-reflective-Doctor-thing
- Series theme: Amy's choice. Amy's choice, the angel in Amy's eyes/mind, Amy's memories; Amy is extremely important.
The Hungry Earth, 5.08
- Amy and Rory see themselves 10 years in the future
Cold Blood, 5.09
- The crack has gotten wider, the Doctor sticks his hand in and pulls out a piece of TARDIS shrapnel, Rory is engulfed in time energy light and is erased from time; an explosion is causing the crack, could it be the TARDIS exploding?
- "Rory still lives in your mind."
- Amy waves to another Amy on top of a hill
Vincent and the Doctor, 5.10
- "Time can be rewritten, I know it can." - Amy
The Lodger, 5.11
- The crack makes an appearance behind Craig's refrigerator. Amy also sees it when she opens her engagement ring box.
The Pandorica Opens, 5.12
- Is there a reason van Gogh has heightened psychic ability (i.e. he can see invisible monsters and paint the future)?
- "Vortex manipulator -- fresh off the wrist of a handsome Time Agent." Jack?
- First words ever written: "Hello Sweetie." Just to give us even more perspective on exactly how incredibly necessary River Song is to the entire universe.
- The Doctor is wearing a red bowtie and his jacket has deep red buttons. Red-haired Amy has on her usual bright red scarf and red gloves. Her engagement ring box is red. Roman-Rory's cape is red. Red-robed queen is back. Red is both important and foreboding.
- The painting "might not be that literal," according to River.
- "A box, a cage, a prison... it was built to contain the most feared thing in all the universe." "It's a fairytale, a legend. It can't be real."
- I think this is the earliest we have seen River -- the last two times (Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead) were further in her timeline.
- "The Pandorica." "More than just a fairy tale."
- "You know fairy tales... a good wizard tricked it." "I hate good wizards in fairy tales, they always turn out to be him."
- Pandora's Box is Amy's favorite book when she was a kid. "Never ignore coincidence."
- The large stones transmit the warning to everyone that the Pandorica is opening. But why doesn't the Doctor know?
- "Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely. And if something can be remembered, it can come back."
- "Does it ever bother you, Amy, that your life doesn't make any sense?" Her house has too many rooms
- "A whole 'nother life, just like I woke up from a dream." - Rory, on what physically happened to him between death and waking up as a Roman
- Strange markings on the grass in front of Amy's house
- Amy owns a book on Roman soldiers and one on Pandora's Box
- The Nestene Consciousness is using Amy's memories to construct the Roman soldiers -- but Roman Rory still remembers dying, as if his subconscious remained intact, as if he weren't a construct out of Amy's memory. Somehow the Autons obtained the real Rory's memories?
- "Someone else is flying it." "But why? How?"
- Amy finally remembers Rory.
- The Nestene Consciousness! Daleks! Cybermen, Sontarans, the Judoon, Silurians.
- "Only the Doctor can pilot the TARDIS." Not true. There's River, and didn't even Donna fly it once?
- Amy dies.
- "Silence will fall." And it does.
The Big Bang, 5.13
- The fairy tale identity crisis ends with a box (the TARDIS, or the hero part of Eleven) flying into another box (the Pandorica, possibly the "beast below" facet of Eleven's identity). Yin meets yang, and the universe explodes! More importantly, the two sides of Eleven's personality meet, which he's grappled with the entire series. Is he the beast or the angel? More than once, his past selves have shown up on screen (library card in Vampires of Venice, identifier gadget in Vincent and the Doctor, blue light in The Eleventh Hour, sparknotes of his life in The Lodger). Series 5 dealt with the two warring sides of the Doctor, and more specifically, who Eleven is. Is he rude and not ginger? Not this time -- the good wizard in fairy tales "always turn out to be him." He's a wizard, and a fairy tale, with a "beast below," which is reconciled in The Big Bang with the collision of the TARDIS and the Pandorica. PRAISE MOFFAT!