1 pm: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Band Candy"
1:45 pm: Being Human, "Episode 1"
2:30 pm: Battlestar Galactica, "33"
3:15 pm: The X-Files, "Field Trip"
4 pm: Doctor Who, (2 Classic Who episodes, 25 min each)
5 pm: Heroes, "Company Man"
5:45 pm: Firefly, "Out of Gas"
6:30 pm: BREAK!
7:30 pm: Torchwood, "Random Shoes"
8:15 pm: Dead Like Me, "My Room"
9 pm: Fringe, "Ability"
9:45 pm: Doctor Who, "The Beast Below"
10:30 pm: Pushing Daisies, "Bitches"
I'll write as I watch and focus on these points:
- Basic analysis and comparison of the shows/episodes
- Common themes
- What is science fiction?
- Vampire portrayals in Buffy and Being Human
- Being Human first episode vs. BSG first episode; expositional differences specific to these shows, and then to all science fiction shows
- "Company Man" vs. "Out of Gas" out-of-order storytelling; past vs. present, how and why characters are the way they are
- Fairytale and fantasy elements in The Beast Below vs. Bitches
- Which characters are similar and why; are they science fiction staples or archetypes?
- What are common plot elements -- aliens? Cloning?
- Representation of evil in science fiction; corporeal vs. the unseen
- Music/score, licensed vs. composed; are there common science fiction musical elements?
- General commentary on acting, direction, production design, writing, etc.
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