Friday, February 5, 2010

Community - Romantic Expressionism, 2.15

"That's G, it's the most important chord. In my mind, it stands for God." -Vaughn, aka Micronipples

I think this episode was to get all the viewers back on track. Finally, we have some Jeff/Britta interaction that isn't forced sexual tension or annoying/flirtatious quips. Well, some quips, but it wouldn't be Community without them. My theory is the writers knew Jeff and Britta simply wasn't working in the beginning, but then this episode was written to fix all that.

When Seth Green's character Oz was introduced in season two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, fans did not respond well to his attraction to Willow. Joss Whedon then wrote a simple fix to get the audience to fall in love with him - the honest, romantic scene with he and Willow in the car. Crisis averted! And this is what the Community writers did as well.

Jeff/Britta was forced upon us with mixed results. Another obstacle was (unknowingly?) presented in the episode Debate 101, when Jeff/Annie was first seen, and with gallons more chemistry than he and Britta ever had. But it was creepy, because Annie is 18 and Jeff is ten years older than that, give or take. Romantic Expressionism addressed these relationships and more in the context of the entire study group's dynamics.

I just about died laughing during what I think is the perfect scene: the group, sitting at their study table, at first arguing, and then all eyeing each other with different results. The group has so much chemistry. They don't even need a chubby, agile guy to round them out; they're perfect just the way they are.

Annie: What are you insinuating? I took that kiss for the team!
Jeff: What?! ...Yeah. That kiss wasn't for pleasure, it was strategic and joyless!
Annie: What?! ...Yeah.
Troy: You did get weirdly specific when you were describing Annie's body.
Jeff: More specific than the stuff you told me about Britta?
Britta & Annie: What?!

I could quote this episode endlessly! But I won't. Instead, some bullet points for you:
  • Starburns screen time is always welcome.
  • Lol'd when Vaughn smooshed Annie's ice cream on top of his cone and walked away.
  • Troy trying to pick up women brings me much joy. I think I'm happy about him finally being attracted to Annie. I think. See, that's what this episode did to me! So much could be inferred from the eye contact everyone gave everyone else! Incestuous, like the cast of the Brady Bunch.
  • Alison Brie is a tremendously talented actor. She was radiant when she listened to Vaughn sing to her! She is definitely my favorite.
  • Ending an episode with a song = winning my heart. Truly and completely.
  • Did you SEE that little smile Jeff gave Annie at the potential-sexual-partner-stare-off?! Noticeably longer than any of the other stares lasted. This relationship will be revisited, I'm sure of it.
  • Lovely end shot watching the group depart in separate directions, and then panning over Vaughn spinning Annie around.

1 comment:

  1. kahdfkhakdh I DON'T EVEN KNOW. this show is just so good.
