Friday, February 5, 2010

The Office - Sabre, 6.15

I don't like The Office much anymore. It's a good show with a good cast, which is why I'm disappointed in the writing this season. Because it's a "small" show about a single office in Scranton, Pennsylvania, easy plot lines were quickly exhausted (sexual harassment seminars, changes in corporate positions). However, the strong cast of characters kept the show compelling.

This season, a lot of what I once loved about The Office is missing.

The will-they-or-won't-they relationship the whole world cheered for is still cute, but to quote Thursday's episode, "Did you ever consider you might not be as charming as you think you are?" The daycare man's inquiry is legitimate. Jim and Pam aren't nearly as endearing as they used to be, not because they're married now, but because their new positions have changed them. Jim as co-manager can't pull pranks on Dwight like he used to, and saleswoman Pam (still season 3's Fancy New Beesly) just isn't as much fun. Remember that Christmas gift Pam gave Jim that one year? Dwight's CIA mission? I miss those escapades.

I miss Amy Ryan as Holly, I miss Melora Hardin as sane Jan. I miss BJ Novak actually having screen time, and sane Ryan. I miss Kelly and Ryan together. I miss Toby, though I understand Paul Lieberstein not having enough time to write and act. All of this, plus the distance I feel between myself and the characters this season, makes for a less than pleasant viewing experience. Unwatchable even, in some cases (Scott's Tots anyone?).

Not to mention, paired with 30 Rock in the 9 o'clock hour (as well as Community and Parks and Recreation prior), The Office is easily the weaker of the two.

I thought The Office did an admirable job last season, thanks mostly to the inspired Michael Scott Paper Company and introduction of Holly Flax. Season five was the funniest since season two. This season I've just been let down.

It's an extremely popular show, and unlike a lot of the other shows I watch, I don't have to worry about it going off the air. I'll continue to watch for as long as the show goes on, and hopefully soon it will pick up again. Here's to hoping!

Things about Sabre:
  • Erin and Andy are so sweet. I enjoy watching their frustrating courtship. Yet Alan Sepinwall's post brought to my attention the documentary format's continuity. The pair needs a little help from the camera guys!
  • I hope this isn't David Wallace's last appearance (I doubt it is), though I'd hate to see him less and less sane in coming episodes. Another Jan, another Ryan.

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